Now everyone is sick all around: cough, runny nose, fever 😷

1 min readFeb 8, 2022


There is a hypothesis that When the body freezes, a vasomotor reflex is triggered — a reaction of vasoconstriction in response to the action of cold, including the vessels of the nasal cavity.

The blood supply to the mucous membrane decreases, and this also causes a decrease in its immune protection — as well as the direct effect of cold.

☀️ Moreover, there is not enough sunlight in winter and this reduces the production of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is necessary for the normal functioning of the cells of the immune system, therefore, with its deficiency, the body may be more susceptible to infection.

In order not to get sick at any time of the year, it is important ⬇️

- ventilate the premises more often;
- walking in the fresh air;
- wash your hands with soap more often;
- take vitamins, for example Multi Formula💎

Multi Formula is a mineral premix containing a large amount of vitamins (A, D3, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, biotin) and minerals (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium).

Strengthen your immune system:




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